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From Dawn to Dawn : Troubadour Poetry : Troubadour Poetry

By Various

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Book Id: WPLBN0002171463
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Reproduction Date: 11/2/2012

Title: From Dawn to Dawn : Troubadour Poetry : Troubadour Poetry  
Author: Various
Language: English
Subject: Fiction, Drama and Literature, Troubadour Poetry
Collections: Authors Community, Poetry
Publication Date:
Publisher: A. S. Kline
Member Page: Tony Kline


APA MLA Chicago

Various, B. (n.d.). From Dawn to Dawn : Troubadour Poetry. Retrieved from

Sixty poems of the Troubadours translated from the Occitan. The translations are close to the originals in content, rhyme-scheme and rhythm. Included are translations of poems by Guillaume de Poitiers, Jaufre Rudel, Beatritz de Dia, Bernart de Ventadorn, Arnaut Daniel, Peire Vidal, Bertran de Born, Raimbaut de Vaqueiras, Guillem de Cabestan, Sordello, and others.

Table of Contents
Translator’s Introduction Anonymous (10th Century) Phebi claro nondum orto iubare With pale Phoebus, in the clear east, not yet bright, Guillaume de Poitiers (1071-1127) Ab la dolchor del temps novel Out of the sweetness of the spring, Farai un vers de dreyt nien I’ve made a song devoid of sense: Pus vezem de novelh florir Since we see, fresh flowers blowing Mout jauzens me prenc en amar Great the joy that I take in love, Farai chansoneta nueva I’ll make a little song that’s new, Pos de chantar m’es pres talentz Since my mood urges me to sing Jaufre Rudel (d.c.1148) Lanquan li jorn son lonc e may When the days are long, in May, Quan lo rius de la fontana When the sweet fountain’s stream No sap chanter qui so no di No one can sing where no melody is, Marcabru (fl. 1130-1150) A la fontana del vergier In an orchard down by the stream, Cercamon (fl. c.1137-1152) Quant l’aura doussa s’amarzis When the sweet air turns bitter, Rigaut de Berbezilh (fl.1140-1163) Si tuit li dol e·lh plor e·lh marrimen If all the grief and woe and bitterness Bernart de Ventadorn (fl. 1145-1175) Can vei la lauzeta mover When I see the lark display Tant ai mo cor ple de joya So full is my heart of joy now, Can par la flors josta.l vert folh When flowers are in the leaves green Can la frej’ aura venta When fresh breezes gather, Can la verz folha s'espan When the greenery unfolds Pel doutz chan que·l rossinhols fai To the sweet song of the nightingale, La rossinhols s’esbaudeya The nightingale sings happily Can l’erba fresch’e·lh folha par When fresh leaves and shoots appear, Lo tems vai e ven e vire Time comes, and goes, and runs away, La douza votz ai auzida The sweetest voice I have heard, Chantars no pot gaire valer Singing proves merely valueless Peire d’Auvergne (fl.1157-1170) Ab fina joia comenssa With noble joy commences Raimbaut d’Orange (c1144-d.1173) Ar resplan la flors enversa Now the flowers gleam, in reverse, Non chant per auzel ni per flor I do not sing for bird or flower, Beatritz de Dia (c1140-fl.c.1175) Estat ai en greu cossirier I’ve been in great distress of mind, A chantar m'er de so qu'ieu no volria Now I must sing of what I would not do, Arnaut de Mareuil (late 12th century) Bel m’es quan lo vens m’alena It’s sweet when the breeze blows softly, Arnaut Daniel (fl. 1180-1210) Sols sui qui sai lo sobrafan que·m sortz I am the one that knows the pain that flows Quan chai la fueilha When the pale leaves descend Douz braitz e critz Sweet tweet and cry Er vei vermeilhs, vertz, blaus, blancs, gruocs I see scarlet; green, blue, white, yellow Anc ieu non l’aic, mas elha m’a I have him not, yet he has me Lo ferm voler qu’el cor m’intra The firm desire that in my heart enters En cest sonnet coind’e leri To this light tune, graceful and slender, Peire Vidal (1175 – 1205) Ab l’alen tir vas me l’aire I breathe deeply, draw in the air: Ges quar estius Though spring’s glorious Plus que.l paubres quan jai el ric ostal No more than a beggar dare complain, Estat ai gran sazo I’ve felt, for so long, so Raimbaut de Vaqueiras (c1155- fl.1180-d. c1207) Altas ondas que venez suz la mar Deep waves that roll, travelling the sea, Gaita be, gaiteta del chastel Keep a watch, watchman there, on the wall, Kalenda maia Calends of May Guillem de Cabestan (1162–1212) Aissi cum selh que baissa·l fuelh Like to him who bends the leaves Lo jorn qu'ie·us vi, dompna, primeiramen, The day I saw you, lady that first time, Anc mais no m·fo semblan Never would I have conceived Bertran de Born (c1140-d.before1215) Dompna, puois de mi no·us cal Lady, since you care not at all Be·m platz lo gais temps de pascor The joyful springtime pleases me Ai! Lemozis, francha terra cortesa, Ah, Limousin! Country free and courtly, Giraut de Bornelh (c. 1138 – 1215) Reis glorios, verais lums e clartatz, Glorious king, true light and clarity, Peire Raimon de Toulouse (fl.1180-1220) De fin’amor son tot mei pensamen On true love are all my thoughts bent Anonymous Aubes (12th-13th century) Quan lo rossinhols escria While the nightingale sings away En un vergier sotz fuella d'albespi In a deep bower under a hawthorn-tree Anonymous Balade (13th century or later) Mort m’an li semblan que madona·m fai The glance that my lady darts at me must slay, Gaucelm Faidit (c. 1170 – c. 1202) Fortz chausa es que tot lo maior dan A harsh thing it is that brings such harm, Peire Cardenal (c. 1180–c. 1278) Vera vergena Maria Truest Virgin, our Maria Sordello (fl. 1220-1265) Planher vuelh En Blacatz en aquest leugier so I wish to mourn Blacatz, now, in skilful song, Ai las e que-m fan mei uehls Alas, what use are my eyes Guiraut Riquier (c.1230 - 1292) Ab plazen From pleasant


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